Breast Reduction for Men Rancho Cucamonga

Something as simple as taking off your t-shirt at the beach shouldn’t make you feel self-conscious. We’d love to help you feel more comfortable by restoring your masculine chest contour.

If you’re feeling uncomfortable about the way you look, it can make feeling confident, happy, and comfortable a tall order. This is particularly true for men who suffer from gynecomastia, a condition where excess tissue and fat on the chest gives the appearance of breasts. Often, it’s near impossible to reduce volume in this area through diet and exercise alone, no matter how many hours you spend working out your upper body.

Although its estimated that around 40% of men of varying ages have some level of gynecomastia, knowing you’re not alone isn’t always enough to make you feel better. Which is why we work with many male patients in the Rancho Cucamonga, Victorville, and Eastvale areas to reduce excess breast tissue and restore a masculine look.

Before and after male breast reduction
This male patient is shown before and after gynecomastia correction.
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What causes gynecomastia?

Gynecomastia can be caused by certain medical conditions, lifestyle habits, and even your genes. Imbalanced hormones, weight fluctuation or obesity, diabetes, and anabolic steroid use are some of the most common culprits. If a medical condition exists, the underlying cause must be treated first prior to any surgical intervention.

  • Improved Chest Contour: The surgery reduces the size of the breasts, resulting in a more traditionally masculine chest contour, which can significantly enhance physical appearance and body proportions.
  • Expanded Wardrobe Choices: Many men with gynecomastia feel restricted in their clothing choices, especially tighter-fitting shirts or swimwear. Post-surgery, they can enjoy a wider range of clothing options without feeling self-conscious.
  • Enhanced Physical Comfort: Large breasts can be physically uncomfortable and cause issues such as skin irritation or chafing. Reduction surgery alleviates these discomforts.
  • Improved Posture: Excess weight on the chest can lead to slouching or poor posture. Reducing breast size can help in maintaining a better posture.
  • Increased Participation in Physical Activities: Some men with gynecomastia avoid activities like swimming or sports due to embarrassment or physical discomfort. After surgery, they may feel more comfortable and motivated to engage in these activities.
  • Long-lasting Results: In most cases, the results of male breast reduction surgery are long lasting, especially if the individual maintains a stable weight and follows a healthy lifestyle.
  • Anesthesia: Medications used to prevent pain during male breast reduction surgery, can be either local or general.
  • Areola: The pigmented skin surrounding the nipple, which may be resized or repositioned during male breast reduction.
  • Enlarged Breasts: A condition in men where the breasts are larger than normal, often the reason for seeking male breast reduction surgery.
  • Excision: A surgical technique where tissue is cut away and removed, used in gynecomastia surgery to remove glandular breast tissue.
  • Glandular Tissue: The breast tissue that develops in gynecomastia, targeted for removal in male breast reduction.
  • Gynecomastia: The enlargement of breast tissue in men, often treated surgically with male breast reduction.
  • Incisions: Surgical cuts made during male breast reduction, strategically placed to minimize visible scarring.
  • Liposuction: A procedure to remove excess fat from the body, often part of male breast reduction to address fatty tissue in the breasts.
  • Male Breast Reduction: A surgical procedure to decrease the size of male breasts and improve chest contours.
  • Mastectomy: In the context of male breast reduction, this refers to the removal of excess breast tissue.
  • Pseudogynecomastia: Enlargement of male breasts primarily due to excess fat, typically treatable with liposuction.
  • Recovery Time: The healing period post-surgery, varying based on the procedure’s extent in male breast reduction.
  • Skin Elasticity: The ability of the skin to return to normal post-stretching, important for surgical outcomes in breast reduction.
  • Subcutaneous Fat: The fat layer under the skin, which may be reduced during male breast reduction.

What happens during male breast reduction to correct gynecomastia?

For many patients who have a mild or moderate case of gynecomastia where most of the excess fullness is caused by fat deposits, we can achieve great results with tumescent liposuction. We first inject a dilute solution of local anesthetic into the fat compartment above the pectoralis muscle before using a small liposuction cannula to remove the excess fat and sculpt a masculine contour that highlights the underlying muscles.

For more severe cases of gynecomastia or if the gland is persistent or fibrous, this procedure may be combined with a direct gland excision. A direct gland excision is performed through a small peri-areolar incision that is naturally hidden by the pigment of the areola.

Depending on how much fat and tissue needs to be removed, many of our patients are able to return to work and most normal activities within just a few days. The biggest obstacle for our male patients is the time needed off from the gym and chest exercises, which can be a few weeks. Dr. Jacob Haiavy, Dr. Irene Tower, and Dr. Emma Ryan will discuss your individual timeline with you after your procedure, but it’s important not to overwork your chest until you’ve been cleared.

Before and after male breast reduction
This patient is shown before and after male breast reduction with liposuction.

Don’t wait to enjoy newfound confidence. Contact us today to learn more about your options during a private consultation with one of our experienced cosmetic surgeons.

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